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S&Ds: Blue economy will protect environment and biodiversity ensuring efficiency and competitiveness


Wed, 05/04/2022


Climate & Environment

Protecting the environment and biodiversity and at the same time ensuring our economy is efficient and competitive. The sustainable blue economy in the EU report, adopted today by the European Parliament, will follow these goals, guiding fisheries and aquaculture towards responsible and sustainable use of natural resources, fostering a healthy marine environment, stimulating job creation and economic opportunities. We say ‘no more’ to unregulated ‘blue growth’. It´s time for a sustainable blue economy based on three pillars: environmental, social and economic sustainability.

The rapporteur, S&D MEP Isabel Carvalhais, said:

“We have been working very hard on this report to ensure there is clear guidance for the whole sector - with legally binding instruments - that will target specific actions to develop more competitive and resilient fisheries and aquaculture.

“Fisheries and aquaculture are key in providing European citizens with healthy food with high nutritional value and a low carbon footprint. We wanted to improve both the economic and environmental sustainability of these sectors. We have focused on actions that can boost the creation of jobs, make it more attractive to younger generations, promote scientific research and innovation, and also protect biodiversity and promote healthy ecosystems.”

“We cannot forget that effective Marine Protected Areas can be extremely beneficial for fisheries and for the sustainability of fisheries resources. That is why, with the help of scientific knowledge, there must be strong investment in the creation of real Marine Protected Areas, that is, MPAs that exist not just on paper, but that can actually guarantee the sustainability of resources in the long term. This is essential for the oceans but also for fisheries, including small-scale fisheries and coastal communities.”

The S&D coordinator in the Committee on Fisheries, Manuel Pizarro MEP, added:

"Fisheries, complemented by aquaculture, are the oldest activity in the field of the blue economy and are essential to ensure quality food for Europeans. All those involved in the sector, especially fishers, are deeply interested in ensuring the environmental, economic and social sustainability of the sector, which requires investment in scientific knowledge and innovation, and continued support from the European Union."