S&D MEPs reaffirm their support for the Colombian Peace Agreement
Speaking at a debate in the European Parliament, S&D MEPs raised the alarm on the very worrying and dangerous situation many human rights and environmental defenders are confronted with, and called on the government of Colombia to guarantee their safety. In a resolution approved today, the European Parliament reiterated its full support for the Peace Agreement in Colombia, which five years ago put an end to a conflict that ravaged the country for 50 years, claimed more than 240,000 victims and left 100,000 people still unaccounted for today. The S&D Group celebrates the progress made in the past five years and reaffirms its commitment to fully support the peace process.
S&D negotiator on Colombia and chair of the Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (DLAT), MEP Javi López, said:
“The peace agreement, signed in 2016 between the government of Colombia under the leadership of Juan Manuel Santos and the FARC, set global standards with its comprehensive approach, its determination to address the root causes of the conflict and its aim to repair the rights and dignity of the victims. Today, we celebrate the efforts made so far and call on all parties to fully commit to the complete implementation of the agreement. There is still work to be done in the areas of rural reform, transitional justice, state control over all of the territory and protection of human rights and environmental defenders. Democracy is not complete if the public powers do not guarantee the safety of those who participate in it.”
S&D co-ordinator for the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), MEP Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, said:
“Much has been achieved so far, but more must be done. The inclusion of all communities, the reduction of inequalities and the protection of human rights are concerns of our group and problems the Colombian government must address. The EU and Colombia are strategic allies and are ready to continue working together in developing a constructive agenda in areas of mutual interest such as climate change and the digital transition."