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S&D leader Iratxe García in Italy to participate at PD Festa dell'Unità


Fri, 09/06/2024



Today, S&D Group president Iratxe García Pérez will join the Partito Democratico (PD) Festa dell'Unità in Reggio Emilia, Italy to analyse with PD members and other high-level progressives, supporters, and activists the state of democracy in Europe and the challenges ahead for social democracy.

This evening, the S&D leader will participate in a round table together with Giuseppe Provenzano, PD member responsible for foreign and European affairs, to talk about the challenges ahead and the priorities of the progressive family for the coming years.

The panel ‘Europe and the challenge of social democracy’ in which speakers will analyse the state of democracy and rule of law in the EU, and the threat of the far right, will take place this evening at 21h30  at the Festa dell' Unità - Iren Green Park Reggio Emilia.

Ahead of the event, S&D president Iratxe García said:

“During the recent European elections, against all odds, we managed to stop the far right. We, the Social Democrats, are the pivotal force to implementing the reforms that our citizens and our Union need.  We are working for a competitive Europe that innovates and grows while restoring dignity to workers with new rights and towards strengthening public services. A Union at the forefront of the fight against climate change while safeguarding a just transition. The answer is a Green and Social New Deal.

“We are working for our citizens and their rights, not against them as the far right forces do. Together, we will win the battle against those who threaten our democracy, and the PD, under the leadership of Elly Schlein, is a clear example of how we can regain our citizens’ trust. Because we can make the change, the future is progressive.”

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