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S&D delegation in Marrakesh: We must stand up for the UN global compact on migration


Development Policy
A delegation of MEPs from the S&D Group are in Marrakesh today and tomorrow for the intergovernmental conference to adopt the global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration.
The S&D Group welcomes the approval of this global compact, a legally non-binding agreement that sets basic standards for managing migration around the world. The S&D delegation to Marrakech is made up of Group vice-president Elena Valenciano, chair of the European Parliament’s development committee Linda McAvan, chair of the human rights subcommittee Antonio Panzeri, and S&D MEP Cécile Kyenge.
S&D Group vice-president, Elena Valenciano, who is leading the delegation of S&D MEPs to Marrakesh, said:
“Over the last few months we have seen more and more governments follow US president Donald Trump’s lead and confirm they will not sign the migrant compact, nor the one on refugees. Many of them say that this is because the documents mix up labour migration and asylum. This is untrue. As the document itself states: ‘migrants and refugees are distinct groups governed by separate legal frameworks.’ Clearly some of those arguing against these compacts have not even read the first page.
“The global compact for migration is an historic agreement that is strongly supported by the European Parliament with its resolution from April of this year. This compact sets out a framework for how we can manage migration effectively at a global level, while fully respecting migrants’ human rights. This is important as migrants are often in particularly vulnerable positions and open to exploitation. The compact sets out a series of sensible proposals on how we can better manage the movement of people around the world, from addressing the root causes of migration, to cracking down on people trafficking and migrant smuggling. We need to explain this to our citizens and counter the wilful misinformation being spread by the extreme right.
“Migration is a global reality and by its very nature something that requires an international response. Climate change, instability in North Africa and the Middle East, and huge discrepancies in wealth mean that migration will continue to be high on the political agenda for years to come. Burying our heads in the sand will not make these issues go away. We need to work together with governments from around the world to manage the issues effectively and ensure basic human rights are protected. That is why we are in Marrakesh today - to show our unwavering commitment to multilateral cooperation.”


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