The Romanian Energy Center – co-organizer of the conference “Towards sustainable energy sectors in central and South East Europe: success stories” At the European Parliament
A month after the Fifth Annual ‘Romanian ENERGY DAY 2016’ Conference, the Romanian Energy Center (CRE) continues its series of events on the regionalization of the energy policy in the European Parliament. CRE co-hosted the event “Towards a Sustainable Energy Sector in South-East Europe: Success Stories”, initiating a first round of discussions with the Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS) regarding a possible partnership on the regional energy strategy.
More than 70 participants have attended the conference co-hosted together with MEP Claude Turmes, European Parliament’s former draftsperson on the Energy Efficiency file and CEPS- Energy Climate House on Wednesday, 22nd of June in the European Parliament in Brussels.
Five successful projects, together with a Manifesto signed by 16 Members of the European Parliament petitioned the governments of the South-Eastern European region to initiate a high-level political dialogue for a more integrated regional cooperation in a formal framework needed to coordinate the already existing fragmented negotiations platforms. Romania promoted one of the most appreciated project: EFdeN – Sustainable, Energy Efficient Building. Based on a prototype, EFdeN lays the basis for a sustainable residential compound that showcases the latest energy and IT technologies.
In his keynote speech, Mihai Paun, Vice-President of the Romanian Center stated: “Since it was launched in 2011, the Romanian Energy Center has been in the middle of the debate on the energy transition across the Union, but more specifically in the Central-Eastern region. Thanks to our Member Companies, we brought forward valuable national and regional insight in consultations launched on key topics such as the New Energy Market Design, the Review of the Energy Efficiency and the Review of the Renewable Energy Directive post-2020”. According to Mr. Paun, CRE’s active involvement in these events confirm the recognition of Romania as potential regional energy hub and stability factor in ensuring the security of supply. “Through the expertise of our member, CRE is an active and informed partner for these discussions”, he reminded.
Launched by MEP Turmes and supported by CRE and CEPS, the Manifesto confirms the need for better interconnections in the region and calls on the governments to redesign the framework for negotiations in a more efficient structure, thus avoiding fragmentation and isolation of certain energy sources. The joint efforts will benefit from the additionality at the European level, a fundamental criteria considered for EU financing for big infrastructure.
For more information, please contact:
Mihai PAUN, Vice-President: Mihai.paun@crenerg.org + 32 478 65 28 03
Oana LANGA, EU Policy Advisor: oana.langa@crenerg.org +32 498 70 52 94
The Romanian Energy Center (CRE) is a non-governmental, non-profit professional organization that brings together state-owned and private companies operating on the Romanian energy market in areas such as electricity, oil and gas, coal, energy services and related legal services.
CRE’s twofold objective is to ensure a business friendly environment and boost competitiveness for the Romanian energy sector, whilst developing a dialogue and cooperation between its member companies and relevant national and European authorities and institutions active on energy policy.
Bucharest office:
Address: 6 Sofia Street, 1st floor, Sector 1
Phone: +32 2 791 7531/ +4 021 7953020
Brussels office:
Address: 37 Square de Meeus, 4th floor, 1000- Bruxelles
Phone: +32 2 791 7531
Email: office@crenerg.org
Web: www.crenerg.org