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Robert Schuman Medal awarded to Ilkka Suominen


Tue, 03/01/2016


Science & Policymaking

The EPP Group is honoured to present the Robert Schuman Medal to lkka Suominen, a committed European who, with his vision, paved the way for Finland towards EU membership in 1995.

"Ilkka Suominen has gained respect in European politics both as a national politician and in the European Parliament as a Vice-Chairman of the EPP Group. His vision, commitment and personal networks paved Finland's way into the European Union during the 1990s", said Manfred Weber MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament.

"Ilkka Suominen has also left his mark on the development of the EPP family. During his leadership of the National Coalition Party, Mr Suominen took an active role in a newly-founded European Democrat Union, an organisation that later merged into the European People's Party. As a Vice-Chairman of the EDU, Mr Suominen worked to strengthen the organisation's values, among many other fields, in promoting the principles of a social market economy."

The Schuman Medal will be awarded to Mr Suominen on Monday in Helsinki by Sirpa Pietikäinen, Head of the Finnish Delegation of the EPP Group.

"I'm proud and happy to award Ilkka Suominen the Schuman Medal, the first Finnish politician to receive it. He laid the foundations that made the NCP what it is now: a modern, pro-European centre-right party that is an active and respected player in the EPP family and in European politics."

"Mr Suominen's achievements, which we are benefiting from now, underline the value of a long-term vision in politics. This is something that Ilkka Suominen has always had as a Party leader, as a member of government and as a national and European parliamentarian."


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