The Road Ahead Future of Transport – ERF calls for greater role of infrastructure


Wed, 10/07/2009



Brussels, 7 October 2009

In response to the Commission’s Communication ‘A sustainable future for transport: Towards an integrated, technology-led and user friendly system’, the European Union Road Federation (ERF), the Brussels Programme Centre of the International Road Federation (IRF), has re- iterated its position, already expressed during the April consultation with its position paper ‘The Future of Transport – Strategic Road Infrastructure Priorities – beyond 2010’.

The ERF – IRF BPC welcomes the Commission’s new strategy which, in line with the 2006 White paper review, continues to favour a policy of co-modality, thus allowing all modes of transport a level playing field.

Furthermore, ERF – IRF BPC was pleased to see that the Communication recognised the crucial role of infrastructure as an integral part of a modern and sustainable transport network. At the same time, and in anticipation of the White Paper in 2010, the ERF – IRF BPC wishes to see these general acknowledgments translated into concrete actions.

More specifically, the ERF – IRF BPC urges the Commission to foresee the necessary funds required for both the targeted extension of the current road network as well as the upgrading of existing infrastructure, as the latter often represents the best cost-benefit ratio for all parties involved.

The ERF – IRF BPC position may also be consulted online at