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Response to Today's Hungarian European Parliament Resolution - A Constitutional Coup by MCC Brussels


Thu, 06/01/2023


Global Europe

Frank Furedi, Executive Director of the think tank MCC Brussels made the following statement in response to the passage of the European Parliament resolution against Hungary. 

"Organisers of a constitutional coup to thwart Hungary from assuming its rightful turn at the European Presidency during the second half of 2024 are determined to realise their objective by any means necessary.

The plot to deprive Hungary of its Presidency is more than just an attempt to humiliate this small Central European nation. Eurocrats are rightly worried about the outcome of next year’s elections to the European Parliament. It is likely that one of the outcomes of these elections is a change in the political complexion of the Parliament. The EU mainstream parties -Greens, Socialists and Liberals – fear that their opponents will make serious headway. The Hungarian Presidency starts just after these elections, and they fear that this would create further problems for them.

That a group of EU parliamentarians have assumed the role of an oligarchical lynch mob committed to cutting down to size the Hungarian Government, represents a threat to all Member States committed to the pursuit of their national interest. Their authoritarian ambition represents a significant threat to the rule of law in the EU."




Event tonight 5.30 PM Thursday 1 June Press Club Brussels

Erasmus – from European solidarity to political weapon

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