Renewable energy
The energy and industry committee today adopted a report setting out its position on renewable energy policy up to and beyond 2020. The report adopted by the committee was significantly improved from original drafts, notably underlining the importance of renewable energy and the need to preserve successful national support schemes, but the Greens voted against in the final vote due to the failure to clearly commit to an ambitious binding EU 2030 target for renewable energy. After the vote, Green energy spokesperson Claude Turmes MEP said:
"While today's vote sends a mixed message on EU renewable energy policy, the outcome is certainly far better than original drafts of the report.
"Importantly, MEPs on the energy committee underlined the need to preserve national support schemes, like feed-in tariffs, which have proved successful in promoting the uptake of renewable energy. In the context of the forthcoming communication from the European Commission, this support is important and we hope it will be taken account of by the Commission and replicated by plenary. MEPs also recognised the importance of renewables to the economy and job creation.
"Unfortunately, the committee delivered a mixed message on 2030 renewable energy targets. While the report adopted today called on the Commission to consider proposing a binding EU 2030 renewables target, it fell short of adopting a clear call. Building on the success of the EU's 2020 renewable energy target, the Greens believe the EU should adopt an ambitious and binding 2030 target for renewable energy aiming at a 45% share. This, combined with the right policies on the internal energy market, well-designed individual support schemes and the necessary infrastructure, will ensure we can move towards 100% renewable energy by 2050. We hope this will be corrected by the plenary vote in April."