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Reinvesting in Europe: Investing in Public Services


Fri, 05/22/2015


Social Europe & Jobs
“We have deconstructed the ‘inefficient and ineffective public services’ dogma declared Valeria Ronzitti at the end of the 2nd edition of the Public Services Summit, which brought together more than 150 participants around the theme Reinvesting in Europe: Investing in Public Services.
The Summit took place just after the CEEP General Assembly which unanimously re-elected Ms Ronzitti as General Secretary for a second mandate: “I am particularly happy about the findings of the Summit because they perfectly fit with the “SGIs ethos” under which I intend to guide the organisation over the next three years “Strengthen the public services community, because the EU will grow thanks to investments in the social and physical infrastructure we represent; Grow in terms of representativeness, because we need to make sure the voice of public services employers all over Europe is better heard in the EU semester; Innovate the public services we represent, because our members are the best placed to modernise the services they manage”.
Modernisation of public services, especially through digitalisation, was very much at the centre of the debates during the Public Services Summit. From transport to water providers passing through local authorities’, members showcased the benefits of digitalisations for increased effectiveness of the services, beneficial to private businesses and to citizens.  
“Public Services are the backbone of the European social-market economy and CEEP is ready to drive its members towards a new generation of public services” concluded Valeria Ronzitti, announcing that as a result of the Summit the Public Services Employers’ Forum is going to address a set of recommendations to EU institutions.


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