ReachCentrum launches LINKinSIEF
Professional services body announces launch of LINKinSIEF, its SIEF communication platform that facilitates smooth information exchange among SIEF members
BRUSSELS, December 8, 2010 – Hot on the heels of the success of the first REACH deadline, ReachCentrum, the Cefic subsidiary, launched yesterday its new SIEF communication platform LINKinSIEF, to support industry in collaborating in SIEFs (Substance Information Exchange Fora), mandatory under the REACH regulation.
LINKinSIEF is a secured document exchange and user-friendly platform which will facilitate the communication exchange within each forum. It keeps the essentials of SIEF communication, by offering surveys for SIEF approval and document management to review progress and information related to the SIEFs. As the data is entirely managed by the lead registrant, SIEF members only need to request a password to gain access.
Launching the new tool, Leo Appelman, managing director of ReachCentrum, said: “Taking advantage of the lessons from past experiences, this new platform will facilitate the smooth exchange of information among SIEF members in an easy and efficient way. It is part of ReachCentrum’s SIEF support service, but can also be managed by Lead Registrants on their own”.
ReachCentrum head of consortia and SIEF management Mark Meesters added: “LINKinSIEF represents our solution for communication between companies in a SIEF. It has been conceived to meet the expectations of SIEF members for the second and third REACH registration deadlines, when an efficient channel of communication will be even more necessary, and a more intense exchange of information is expected as new SIEFs will be set up.”
ReachCentrum has already been actively working to support companies anticipating the 2013 and even the 2018 deadlines, the dossier evaluation or the authorisation phase, through the continuous development of new services tailored to meet the specific needs of its customers.
ReachCentrum helps industry to comply with REACH regulation, which requires chemical companies to register those substances they manufacture or import. In the four years of its existence, the service group has gained considerable expertise in managing consortia, conducting SIEF communication, offering an efficient helpdesk and legal support, as well as a variety of trainings and workshops.
LINKinSIEF is available at www.linkinsief.eu.
Further information on the platform is available at linkinsief@reachcentrum.eu
Note to editors:
ReachCentrum is the professional services body established by Cefic, the European Chemical Industry Council. It has been designed to help companies all through the value chain to fulfill the REACH requirements. ReachCentrum provides guidance to get acquainted with the REACH requirements, managing Consortia, organising workshops and delivering in-company trainings. ReachCentrum services are available for European and non EU chemical manufacturing companies.
For further information:
Contact Francesca Furlan at ffu@reachcentrum.eu or on +32 (0)2 676 7425
Pay a visit to the ReachCentrum website at: www.reachcentrum.eu
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