Rail industry calls for more competition in passenger market
At a joint event organised yesterday in Brussels by the association of European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM) and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), stakeholders and decision makers from all parts of the transport industry called for the rail passenger market in Europe to be further opened up to competition following the liberalisation of the international market for passenger traffic in Europe in 2010.
The discussions made it clear that increased competition in the passenger rail market can lead to improved quality of services and an increase in rail market share vis-à-vis other transport modes. This will in turn benefit society as a whole by reducing congestion in other modes, and minimising the environmental impact of transport. For liberalisation to work properly, however, rail infrastructure managers must be fully independent. Michael Robson, Secretary General of EIM said “The upcoming recast of the first railway package would be a good opportunity for the EU to act to enhance the independence of infrastructure Managers and to give regulatory bodies the powers and resources they need to ensure the competition in passenger rail traffic is of benefit to all […]”
Please read the full story in the attached press release from EIM.
Patrick Keating
Public Affairs Manager
European Rail Infrastructure Managers
Rue de la Loi, 28
B 1040 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 234 37 70
Fax: +32 2 234 37 79
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