Qatargate: Why no Action? What is Behind the EU Corruption Scandal?
Brussels, Belgium
More than 100 days since the allegations that shook Brussels to its core – police raids, suitcases full of money, peddling of influence in the supposedly crowning institution of European democracy – why are we no closer to a reckoning with corruption at the heart of the European Union?
As Europe loses itself in an obsession with process and procedure, the real questions remain unasked, let alone answered: How has a culture of impunity been allowed to develop? What is the real relationship between the EU and the army of NGOs that surround it? Why do unaccountable non-governmental organisations play such a key role in a supposedly democratic system?
Professor Frank Furedi, Executive Director MCC Brussels said:
“The EU’s distance from real voters, and its lack of accountability, allows politicians to believe they are above the law. With no genuine public interest to represent, they end up acting soley for themselves and the institutions (often NGOs) that back them.
Interrogating and exposing the extent and causes of corruption risks increasing popular cynicism of Brussels “fat cats” and encouraging Euroscepticism. Justice and democracy sacrificed for political expedience.”
Join MCC Brussels as we ask: What are the origins of Qatargate? What does the scandal reveal about the EU? How do we breathe new life into European democracy?
Professor Frank Furedi, Executive Director MCC Brussels and Bruno Waterfield, Brussels Correspondent, The Times discuss The origins of Qatargate: What the scandal reveals about the EU takes place in Stanhope Hotel, Rue du Commerce 9, 1000 Brussels
Wednesday, March 29, 2023, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm. Preregistration is required.
The origins of Qatargate: What the scandal reveals about the EU
Stanhope Hotel, Rue du Commerce 9, 1000 Brussels
Wednesday March 29, 2023 from 5:00 to 6:30 pm
About MCC Brussels