Progressives join forces to launch “Global Progressive Forum 2021” for a fair and sustainable world
An international coalition of Progressive groups have joined forces to launch the Global Progressive Forum 2021.
The GPF 2021 will be convened in a European capital city in the last trimester of 2021, and aims at connecting Progressive forces from around the world to develop a global Progressive agenda. It will be the first major international physical gathering of Progressive forces. Topics for discussion range from climate change to economic governance, social justice and digitisation. Speakers will include Progressive prime ministers, mayors, academics, trade unionists, civil society representatives and activists from around the world.
Ahead of the GPF 2021, one hundred online events will be organised by the different partners from April to November 2021 covering various topics linked to the Progressive agenda. All events will be open to the public. Further information can be found here.
As part of this events series, the S&D Group will organise an online event on 26 May 2021 focusing on “Climate Diplomacy ahead of Glasgow COP26”.
Commenting on the launch, S&D Group president, Iratxe García Pérez, said:
“The election of US president Joe Biden and US vice-president Kamala Harris has sparked hope for real change, not only in the US but worldwide. People are looking at the Progressives as the builders of a more democratic, just and peaceful world. We must take up this challenge, show unity and put forward our global priorities for the next decade.”
Andreas Schieder, S&D MEP and GPF co-chair, added:
“Increasing inequality and the economic crises of recent years are a dangerous breeding ground for xenophobia and nationalism.
“Against the background of the climate crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic and rising global tensions, Progressive forces have to step up and develop a common Progressive agenda as an alternative to unregulated globalisation. It is about time to focus on the people, the planet and prosperity, instead of free markets and profit maximisation.”
Sergei Stanishev, S&D MEP, GPF co-chair and PES president, concluded:
“As we look ahead to the GPF 2021, it is clear that action is needed now more than ever.
“We are strongly committed to work for a fair recovery from the Covid-19 crisis and the shift to a more sustainable way of living. This is not just the priority for us in Europe; it is the driving ambition of Progressives worldwide. Through our common effort, we will build a fairer, more equal and more sustainable future for all.”