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Progress on technical rules, but more concrete climate action is needed, say S&D’s after COP24 draws a close


Climate & Environment
Following lengthy negotiations that continued on into the evening the COP24 concluded with an agreement that, despite its shortcomings, provides a way forward for the implementation of the Paris Agreement through a set of uniform accounting rules called the Paris Rulebook. Moreover, COP24 gave a clear signal that all countries need to step up the debate on ambition as the 2020 deadline is rapidly approaching. By that date, the world will need to come together and increase the level of ambition of the current pledges if we are to stay within the well below 2ºC objective. 
S&D MEP Jo Leinen, co-chair of the European Parliament delegation to Katowice, said:
“It is positive that the global community is working together and has adopted rules to implement the climate agreement. Having a rulebook means real progress. However, not all expectations to this important UN summit were met.  A handful of countries put brakes on the process.
“We cannot fight climate change with baby steps. We need real political commitment and responsibility. The EU must work together with other ambitious, willing partners to go beyond the commitments of Katowice. We cannot risk losing the spirit of the Paris climate agreement. In 2019, EU states must increase the EU's 2030 target. This would be an important impulse for global action and an important signal to our partners. The latest UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report on the impacts of a 1.5 ºC warming leaves no room for backtracking.”
Already, before COP24 the Parliament had called on member states to aim for a 55% reduction of greenhouse gases compared to 1990 levels instead of 40% target for 2030.


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