Pro-European parties in Moldova must stand together
26 Feb 2019
Global Europe
Following the parliamentary elections held on 24 February in the Republic of Moldova, where no party reached a governing majority, the S&D Group expresses satisfaction for the overall good management of the elections. It congratulates the positive result of the Democratic Party of Moldova, and calls on all pro-European forces to be committed and united in the interest of the country.
Victor Boştinaru, S&D vice-president responsible for foreign affairs, said:
“We are glad to learn that according to the preliminary OSCE/ODIHR report, subscribed also by the European Parliament's observers, the elections were generally well-run, competitive and fundamental rights were generally respected. The country is highly polarised and many were the attempts in the pre-election period to destabilise the environment. It is very important that despite a very harsh electoral campaign, the country showed it made progress also in this fundamental field.
"Moldova is an important partner for the EU, and as S&Ds, we remain committed to support its European future. We call on the future government to ensure the stability of the country and undertake the necessary reforms to bring Moldova a step forward on its European path."
Knut Fleckenstein MEP, S&D spokesperson for foreign affairs, added:
We congratulate the Democratic Party of Moldova for its result, and at the same time, we call on all pro-European parties and members of the Parliament, to show political responsibility and unite their forces in the interest of the citizens and of the country. It is of key importance for the country to swiftly have a government and to bring its reform programme to the next level, including in the context of the AA/DCFTA.
“The shortcomings noted by the OSCE/ODIHR led electoral observation mission show the importance, for the newly elected Parliament and the future Moldovan government, to continue their efforts for the electoral legislation to comply fully with international standards.”
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