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Political, pragmatic, prospective: CEEP welcomes Juncker’s last state of the European Union


Thu, 09/13/2018


Social Europe & Jobs
Reacting to the final “State of the European Union” speech by Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, CEEP General Secretary Valeria Ronzitti commented:
”The President of the European Commission remained loyal to his style, restating and confirming his ambition to have a political role and to achieve tangible results. We agree that the priority should now be to complete the on-going legislative processes, such as the Energy Union and the climate policy, the Banking and the Capital Markets Union or the development of the Digital Single Market.”
“We call upon the European Commission to push for, at the very least, an agreement in principle between the EU institutions on the next Multiannual Financial Framework, ahead of the European elections in 2019. Employers and providers of public services and SGIs needs a clear and predictable financial framework to plan necessary future investments, both in physical infrastructures and human capital.”
“We also stand ready to support the Commission in promoting its communication on free and fair European elections. As providers of key essential services, our members are well-trusted by citizens, and we are ready to go beyond our “ordinary” mandate to strengthen democracy and reinforce the EU added-value.”


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