Polish government must respect and implement the verdict of the Constitutional Tribunal


Wed, 03/09/2016


Science & Policymaking
Justice & Home Affairs

- " Verhofstadt: PM Szydlo's attitude is absurd and kafkaesque" -

The ALDE group in the European Parliament urges the Polish government to respect the verdict of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal, which has just ruled that the new legislation regulating its functioning is unconstitutional. The government of Poland and Prime Minister Szydlo must accept and implement the ruling.

verhofstadt hands pray 90.jpgReacting to the verdict, Guy Verhofstadt, ALDE Group leader, said : "The verdict of the Polish Constitutional Court is very clear : the legislation which paralysed the court violates the Polish Constitution. Three measures promoted by the government have been ruled unconstitutional: the obligation to deal with cases in chronological order, the quorum of 13 out of 15 judges and the necessity for a 2/3 majority behind any decision".

"It was absurd and kafkaesk for the Szydlo government to expect that the Court would assess the constitutional compliance of secondary legislation while already applying this legislation.''

"Instead of further deepening the paralysis of the court and the constitutional crisis in Poland, Prime Minister Szydlo should now do what any other government of a democratic country would do: respect the verdict, publish it without delay and implement it".

"I hope the suggestion that the Polish government will not treat the court's judgment as valid is untrue, because the Polish people are attentively watching the moves of the government. I know they will not let PiS manipulate their wonderful country eastwards, away from democracy and the transatlantic community of values".