PlasticsEurope presents Operation Clean Sweep® Report on pellet containment: The European Plastics industry reinforces its commitment to fight marine litter
Brussels, 04-10-2017
PlasticsEurope and supporting member companies of Operation Clean Sweep® (OCS), an international programme to help prevent resin loss from getting into the marine environment, present the results of their ongoing activities in a new report entitled “Operation Clean Sweep Report 2017” reinforcing their commitment to fight against marine litter. This report provides information on the implementation of the OCS programme in Europe and measures taken by PlasticsEurope members to prevent pellet loss, for instance, modifying equipment for better containment, training employees and involving their entire value chain, among others.
A Zero Pellet Loss (ZPL) initiative was initially launched in 2013 by PlasticsEurope to raise awareness among employees at manufacturing plants on how to properly manage pellets and other particles at each step of the production and supply chain. To align and concentrate global industry efforts under a common approach, ZPL was integrated on a pan-European base, into the global OCS programme in 2015, joining their common goal of creating awareness, sharing best practices and providing guidance to its members.
PlasticsEurope targets 100%-member engagement in the OCS programme for year-end 2017 and the report strongly encourages other industry associations, policy-makers, NGOs and the general public to join this initiative to help achieve the goal of ‘zero pellet loss’. To date, more than half of PlasticsEurope’s members have signed the OCS pledge and are implementing different measures within their companies, production sites and logistics value chain. A reporting scheme is being developed over the course of 2017 to track members’ progress.
The plastics industry also affirms its commitment to other marine litter prevention programmes under the 2011 Declaration of the Global Plastics Associations for Solutions on Marine Litter, engaging in industry action and close cooperation with stakeholders. The Global Declaration focuses on education, research, best practices, public policy, recycling and pellet containment. Today, 70 plastics industry associations in 35 countries have joined over 260 projects. See www.marinelittersolutions.com
Plastics are indispensable, contributing to energy and resource efficiency and enhancing the quality of our lives. To prevent marine litter, plastic products must be responsibly managed through their life cycle by implementing proper waste management systems, a mindful product design and responsible consumer behaviour. We therefore continue to actively engage with other interest groups and partners in order to advance long-term, collaborative solutions.
For more information and to download report: www.opcleansweep.eu and www.plasticseurope.org
Press Contact
PlasticsEurope AISBL
Nuria Buezas Sierra
Communications and Media Manager
Phone: +32 (0)2 676 17 57