Plastics market in 2011: First estimates suggest around 4% increase in global production from 2010
Worldwide plastics production rose to 280 million tonnes in 2011, according to first rough estimates published by PlasticsEurope. This represents around 4% increase from 2010, when 270 million tonnes of plastics were produced. It also confirms the return of long term growth after the economic crisis.
The five largest plastics types (polyolefins, PVC, PS, EPS and PET) account for about 70% of the total global demand, i.e. 200 million tonnes.
According to Wilfried Haensel, Executive Director of the association, “these estimates give us confidence as to the market growth and stability over the months to come”. From 2010 to 2016, global plastics consumption is expected to grow by an average of about 4 % each year.
These are the first estimates of worldwide production and consumption. The final global, pan-European and national figures, as well as waste management statistics, will be revealed later this year in the 2012 edition of PlasticsEurope’s yearly publication “Plastics the Facts”.
For more information on plastic market trends, see: