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Pearls of Wisdom: Rtesian Announces Advisory Board


Thu, 03/23/2017


Public Affairs

Rtesian’s  goal is to redefine recruitment: such a big aim needs experience, direction and strategic guidance to make it happen. We’re therefore delighted to announce the line-up of our advisory board, who have the vision and wisdom to help us achieve this. These influential individuals know Brussels inside out, help us keep our ear to the ground and are ahead of the curve when it comes to policy and business trends. We’re honoured to introduce them, in alphabetical order:

Firstly, Shada Islam is Director of Europe & Geopolitics at Friends of Europe, where she manages policy oversight of Friends of Europe’s initiatives, activities and publications.  She was previously at the European Policy Centre. A journalist by training, she writes on EU foreign and security policy, EU-Asia relations and global trade and development issues. She was Europe correspondent for the Far Eastern Economic Review and Deutsche Presse-Agentur among others.

Next, Silvana Koch-Mehrin joins us: during a decade as an MEP, she was Vice-President of the European Parliament and First Vice-President of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) party. After leaving the hemicycle, she founded the Women in Parliaments Global Forum, a worldwide network of female politicians that aims to advance society by increasing the number and influence of women in political leadership. She is a regular speaker at institutions such as the UN, OECD, World Bank and other international fora.

For many in Brussels, Robert Madelin needs no introduction. He was previously Senior Adviser for Innovation at the European Commission, a role that built on his time as Director General of DG Connect and Director General of Health and Consumer Policies. Post-Berlaymont, he has set up his own consultancy, Madelin Innovation, and is also a Visiting Fellow with the Cyber Studies Programme at the University of Oxford’s Department of Politics and International Relations.

Last, but definitely not least, comes Sir Graham Watson. He’s now a Member of the European Economic and Social Committee after 20 years as an MEP which included heading a committee, chairing ALDE and receiving a knighthood. Sir Graham also founded The Climate Parliament, a global network of legislators working to speed up the switch to renewables. In addition to all this, he  recently chaired a high level working group for Commissioner Navracsics.

We are fortunate to have distinguished experts from every sector of the Brussels Bubble as members of the advisory board, as well as a gender balance that would make Viviane Reding proud. With vast experience as legislators, policymakers, public affairs and media professionals, we’re looking forward to following their sage advice as Rtesian continues to grow.

To know more, please contact:

Aart van Iterson
Owner / Managing Director at Rtesian Resources