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One for all and all for me atitude won't prevent climate chaos


Wed, 12/10/2008


Climate & Environment

Graham Watson, Leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe was in Paris today for a final meeting of Parliament's Group Leaders with President Sarkozy ahead of this week's EU Summit.

"We have reached the 11th hour on the climate change deal" said Watson after the meeting." The EU has positioned itself as the global leader on carbon emission reduction. Now Member States need to show they mean what they say when it comes to the environment. They need to recognise that investment now is money and lives saved in the future."

"One for all and all for me is hardly a good basis for a compromise. If a deal is to accommodate different national circumstances and achieve the CO2 emissions cuts the EU Leaders have promised we need proper investment in Carbon Capture and Storage. Any final agreement must include a 10 bln euro financing plan - at least - for the 12 CCS pilot projects: anything else is just tilting at windmills."

Graham Watson reiterated his support for the Commission's economic stimulus package and called on Member States to tread with care when bending rules they have themselves set out with good reason. "I welcome the Commission's distinction between ailing and healthy banks in applying state aid rules and respect its role as the guardian of the treaties" said Watson. 


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