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Per-Olof Granström – appointed Secretary General of EDSO for Smart Grids


Fri, 04/15/2011



BRUSSELS, April 15th 2011 - Per-Olof Granström has been appointed Secretary General of the EDSO for Smart Grids Association. As Secretary General he will lead and develop this new Brussels based organisation, representing European distribution system operators.

EDSO for Smart Grids was founded in March 2010 to structure, lead and enhance, not for profit cooperation between European distribution system operators for electricity as well as to assure, manage, represent and promote their common interests, specifically on Smart Grids development and implementation.

EDSO for Smart Grids is one of the three industry partners along with the Smart Grids Forum and ENTSO-E that have been invited by the SET-Plan Secretariat of the European Commission to constitute (together with Member States and the European Commission) the Electricity Grids EII (European Industrial Initiative). The Initiative is an innovative 9-year, 2 billion Euros, research, development and demonstration program developed within the framework of the Strategic European Technology Plan to accelerate the deployment of Smart Grids in Europe.

“The Association’s Board of Directors welcomes its first Secretary General and is highly confident Mr. Granström will lead and guide the efforts of European DSOs to move Smart Grids from vision to full scale implementation. Smart Grids is a necessary precondition to achieve the European targets and is pivotal for the success of most other low-carbon technologies”, highlighted the Chairman of the EDSO for Smart Grids Board of Directors, Livio Gallo.

“Smart Grid development is key to the future efficient and low-carbon electricity market, where consumers will play an important role. I am honoured to be representing the European distribution system operators along this path and I am really looking forward to take on this task. Thanks to the relevance of its members, EDSO for Smart Grids will play a crucial role to drive coherence and coordination for smart grids deployment in Europe, making a real difference to comply with European Energy goals of security of supply, sustainability and market efficiency”, commented Per-Olof Granström.

Per-Olof Granström has a profound knowledge of the energy sector as he has held various positions in different European utilities and associations. Prior to his appointment as Secretary General of EDSO for Smart Grids, he was Director of European Affairs at Vattenfall, Executive Vice President at Svensk Energi/Swedenergy – the organisation representing the Swedish electricity companies, Vice President/Director of trade at Nord Pool – the Nordic power exchange and Head of Generation and Trade at Stockholm Energi.

Per-Olof Granström will take on the new role as Secretary General on June 1st.


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