
Mon, 10/18/2010



Winner of Alternative Nobel Prize, President of EUROSOLAR, President of the World Council for Renewable Energy, Member of German Parliament

Brussels, 15 October 2010

Hermann Scheer has passed away - his vision of a 100% renewable energy society is more important and livelier than ever

With great sadness EUFORES has taken note of the unexpected and sudden death of Hermann Scheer today. On behalf of EUFORES, we would like to express our sincere condolences to his family.

Like very few people and especially politicians, Hermann Scheer has promoted his vision for a sustainable energy supply, consisting of 100% energy coming from renewables. Over decades and despite harsh criticism, Scheer has unremittingly fought for the deployment of renewable energy sources and initiated innovative and progressive laws, like the German feed-in tariff, as well as numerous other political initiatives on national, European and global level. Only on the basis of his work and his vision, the successful renewable energy policies in the European Union were possible.
Many have been enormously inspired by his vision and enthusiasm. His death constitutes an immense loss to them.

In the very moment where peak oil and climate crises constitute a major threat to the world citizens, Hermann Scheer’s ideas and activities have created hope for a better energy future. Without Scheer, we would not be where we are today.

EUFORES, the network of European and national parliamentarians in favour of renewable energy will be proud to continue the legacy and spirit of Hermann Scheer.
We will miss you, Hermann.

On behalf of all EUFORES members:
Claude Turmes President of EUFORES Mechtild Rothe Honorary President of EUFORES

EUFORES - European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources a.i.s.b.l.
Renewable Energy House | Rue d’Arlon 63-65| B-1040 Brussels | Belgium
Tel: +32-2-546 1948 | Fax: +32-2-546 1934 | Email: