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North Korea must refrain from escalating tensions in the region


Wed, 11/24/2010


Global Europe

Jelko Kacin MEP (LDS/Slovenia), member of the Delegation for relations with the Korean Peninsula, has KACIN_90.jpgresponded to the exchange of fire between the two Koreas, strongly condemning the provocations from the North just a few hours after the confirmation of the existence of new additional uranium enrichment facilities.

"It is unbelievable that the regime would once again use an armed conflict to facilitate the transition of power to the new generation of the Kim dynasty," he said.

"The North needs to establish a firm civilian control over the army, which is trying to tighten the grip on its impoverished population. It is time to move past cold war thinking in both Koreas."

Mr Kacin, who visited South Korea in June and authored the European Parliament resolution of 17 June 2010 on the situation in the Korean Peninsula, urged both sides to refrain from escalating the tensions.

He added: "This is a serious moment for the UN Security Council and the international community, including the EU, to find a way to continue the six party talks as soon as possible on the basis of the Neutral Nations Supervisory  Commission report."

"China needs to finally step up the pressure on Pyongyang and fulfil its regional and international responsibility."

Mr. Kacin has expressed his deepest sympathies to the families of innocent civilian and military victims.

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