No to the revision of the working time directive - No to 65-hour working week
Press release
No to the revision of the working time directive - No to 65-hour working week
Following today's vote at the Employment and Social Affairs Committee of the EP, on the revision of the working time directive, GUE/NGL shadow rapporteur Dimitris Papadimoulis said that the GUE/NGL group will insist on rejecting the Council's anti-labour and anti-social plans on the "elastic 65-hour working week".
"Working closely with trade unions and workers", he said, "we tabled and supported amendments that block the plans for deconstructing labour law and cancel decades of workers' struggles. The deplorable text of the Council to completely deregulate working time legislation must be rejected. Breaking the Council and Commission compromise is a first compulsory step, but it is not enough. The fight against the anti-social package by the governments and the Commission is still on, inside and outside the European Parliament."
GUE/NGL press officer
Gianfranco Battistini + 32 475 646628