New European Energy Efficiency Plan aims to drive cogeneration forward in the period up to 2020
On Tuesday 8 March the European Commission published its new Energy Efficiency Plan (EEP), focused on closing the gap between current EU performance and its 20% target. The EEP reinforces the Commissions intention that cogeneration should play a significant role in EU energy policy. The Commission will introduce policy changes in the next 8 months which will promote cogeneration more strongly. On 24 March European cogeneration stakeholders will meet in Brussels to hear from experts and to debate how the upcoming revision of the Cogeneration Directive can and should address the energy challenges Europe currently faces.
With less than one week until the conference, COGEN Europe encourages you to register to this conference and dinner as soon as possible. Find the programme attached.
The conference “Cogeneration at the foundation of Europe’s energy policy” will take place on Thursday 24 March at the Hotel Renaissance in Brussels and will feature speeches by
· MEP Alejo Vidal-Quadras (EPP, Spain),Vice President of the European Parliament and Member of the ITRE Committee
· Marie Donnelly, Director New and renewable sources of energy, energy efficiency and innovation at DG Energy, European Commission
· Markus Tacke, CEO Siemens
At the Conference Dinner the cogeneration community recognises those who have made a significant contribution to bring the sector forward during the COGEN Europe Recognition Awards ceremony.
To be among the 200 delegates coming from EU and national institutions, industry and business, users of cogeneration, NGOs, equipment manufacturers, academic representatives and the media, please register using the form in the attached conference brochure. For more info visit http://www.cogeneurope.eu/2010/11/cogen-europe-annual-conference-2011/
Stefan Craenen
Communication Manager
COGEN Europe
Tel: +32 2 772 82 90
Fax: +32 2 772 50 44
Email: stefan.craenen@cogeneurope.eu
Web: www.cogeneurope.eu