National Renewable Energy Action Plans: Delivery starts!
Today- the 30th of June 2010- is the deadline for each of the 27 EU Member States to hand in their National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs) to the European Commission under the Renewable Energy Directive. The NREAPs will give an overview of the development of the renewable energy sector until 2020 as well as detailed information on measures to reach the targets.
2020 is tomorrow: it’s time to act !
After one year of the entry into force of the Renewable Energy Directive, EU Member States have to outline how they intend to reach their national binding targets by 2020. “The Renewable Energy industry looks forward to ambitious and consistent action plans jointly ensuring that the EU meets its binding 20% renewables target by 2020”, says Christine Lins, Secretary General of the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC).
RES policies enabling reaching the targets
These plans should – in EREC’s opinion- entail clear targets the sector can rely on to make the needed investments. “EREC is convinced that Member States recognise the benefits of ambitious renewables policies, enabling a future-oriented industry to do the necessary investments to maintain the EU´s global leadership and creating new high value jobs », underlines Lucie Tesniere, EREC Policy Advisor. Support measures should be consistent with the agreed binding targets and ensure reaching of those. The plans also aim at presenting new measures to be introduced to comply with the directive, especially to support renewable heat, the “sleeping giant”. A large panel of technologies should be supported to diversify the energy mix of the Member States and ensure increased security of supply.
Achieving at least 20% RES by 2020 domestically
“EREC firmly believes that the EU-27 can reach at least 20% by 2020 within the EU’s boundaries – domestic action will bring domestic benefits for European companies, citizens and society at large”, Lucie Tesnière points out. Early this year, the 27 EU Member States indicated already in their 27 forecast documents that the EU will exceed 20% renewable energy by 2020. “In economically challenging times, Europe needs a strong future-oriented industry and creation of new jobs. Now Member States need to capture the economic, environmental and social benefits of developing renewable energy technologies nationally”, underlines Lucie Tesnière.
European Renewable Energy Council
For information please contact:
Christine Lins, Secretary General, E: lins@erec.org, T: +32 478 96 21 91
Lucie Tesnière, Policy Adviser, E: tesniere@erec.org T: +32 485 416 366