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Moving Towards 10% by 2020: A European Roadmap for Autogas through 2020


Mon, 09/07/2009

BRUSSELS, September 7th, 2009 - AEGPL, the European LPG Association has unveiled a Roadmap for the development of Automotive LPG, generally referred to as ‘Autogas’, through 2020. The report - whose key conclusions are based on independent econometric analysis by the transport and mobility research body, TM Leuven - demonstrates that Autogas can make a significant and immediate contribution to Europe’s environmental, strategic, and economic objectives over the next decade and beyond.

Beginning with an overview of the fuel, the industry and their respective attributes, the Roadmap proceeds to lay out an ambitious yet realistic vision in which Autogas, already Europe’s leading alternative fuel, shifts from 2 to 10% of the European passenger car fuel mix between today and 2020. According to TM Leuven’s findings, this evolution would yield:

 350 million tonnes of avoided CO2 emissions in Europe
 € 20 billion of avoided external costs for society
 € 41 billion in savings for individual motorists
 € 7 billion improvement in Europe’s balance of payments

Combined with other benefits in terms of security of supply, and competitiveness of the European car industry, these results constitute a clear demonstration of Autogas’ potential to ease Europe’s transition towards a more sustainable, secure and competitive European energy model by 2020.

The Roadmap underlines the need for ongoing commitment and cooperation on the part of the Autogas industry, public authorities at European, national, and local level, as well as vehicle manufacturers. AEGPL’s Director General, Alain De Grève, noted that “the EU, in its dual role as legislator and disseminator of best practices, is particularly well-placed to play a leading role in coordinating and optimizing the efforts of these various actors”.

The official launch of the Roadmap, held at the Committee of the Regions during the “Green Streets” Conference on sustainable mobility, represents the first step in a broader effort to exploit Autogas’ considerable and largely untapped potential. A seminar aimed at identifying the next steps in this direction is to be organized next month in the European Parliament.

For further information or to request a hard copy of the Autogas Roadmap, please contact Paul Voss, the AEGPL’s European Policy Advisor on +32 2 566 91 22 or at

About AEGPL: As the sole representative of the European LPG industry, AEGPL is committed to ensuring that the potential contribution of LPG to the energy needs of Europe and its citizens is recognized, understood and optimized. To find out more, visit


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