Mobile industry leaders present their views on 5G for Verticals
[Barcelona, Spain, 22 Feb 2016] Huawei joined partners from the ICT industry to present their views on 5G for vertical industries at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona today. According to a new White Paper, presented today by the European Commission and 5G Infrastructure Association (5G-IA), 5G network infrastructures will lead to the fourth industrial revolution, especially in vertical sectors such as automotive, transportation, healthcare, energy and manufacturing, as well as media and entertainment.
Huawei’s Wireless CTO Dr Wen Tong (centre) speaking at an analyst briefing organised at MWC on 22 February.
The White Paper, entitled “5G Empowering Vertical Industries”, was launched at a media and industry analyst briefing organised as part of MWC 2016, bringing together executives of global top technology companies and EU Digital Commissioner Mr Günther Oettinger. The paper was authored by experts from the 5G Infrastructure Association, which represents the private side of the 5G Public and Private Partnership (5G-PPP), a €1.4 billion joint initiative between the European ICT industry and the European Commission. Huawei, a Board Member of the Association, shared its expertise as a key contributor to European 5G research and end-to-end ICT leader with a global perspective.
“Partnership for innovation is the foundation for 5G to be successful,” said Huawei Wireless CTO Dr Wen Tong. “Huawei is collaborating with players across industries and verticals to foster 5G innovation beyond ICT. We are joining forces with our European partners to contribute to the EU’s leadership in making 5G a reality,” Dr Tong added.
The White Paper presented today is a key step forward in this direction. 5G will pave the way for new business models and value propositions between vendors, operators and verticals, through seamless integration of different enabling access, transmission and network technologies, which will make it possible to achieve the most stringent vertical requirements, especially in terms of latency (below 5 ms), reliability (5 nines and beyond), density (up to 100 devices/m2), peak terminal data rates and an extremely high proportion of territorial and population coverage.
Huawei is investing a tremendous R&D effort in 5G research and innovation and aims to turn this investment into technological progress for Europe through an open and collaborative approach.
The company has been collaborating with many industry leaders, universities, innovation platforms and consortia in Europe, and working on five 5G-PPP EU co-funded projects.
Huawei is also contributing to the definition of the later phases of 5G-PPP, looking at 5G tests, showcases and large-scale trials, leveraging the massive R&D investments in Europe and playing a pivotal role in realising a fruitful EU-China 5G International Cooperation.
In November 2014, Huawei announced a £5 million investment in the University of Surrey’s 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) based in Guildford in the UK, as part of the $600 million it is committing to 5G research and innovation globally by 2018.
The 5G-PPP White Paper can be downloaded from: https://5g-ppp.eu/roadmaps/
About the 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP)
5G-PPP is a collaborative research program organised as part of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme – the European Union Program for Research and Innovation. It is aimed at fostering industry-driven research, which is controlled by business-related, performance and societal KPIs. The-5G PPP has a lifetime from 2014 to 2020 and is open for international cooperation and participation. Within this research and innovation framework, the European Commission, with the approval of the European Parliament, has committed 700 million euros of public funds to supporting 5G-PPP activities. Complementary private investment in the order of five times this amount is expected to be provided by Industry, SMEs and Research Institutes to realise the 5G-PPP vision. The private side in 5G-PPP is represented by the 5G Infrastructure Association.
More information is available at http://5g-ppp.eu/.
Twitter: @5GPPP, #5GPPPMWC
About Huawei
Huawei is a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider. Our aim is to build a better connected world, acting as a responsible corporate citizen, innovative enabler for the information society, and collaborative contributor to the industry. Huawei’s 170 000 employees worldwide are committed to creating maximum value for telecom operators, enterprises and consumers. Our innovative ICT solutions, products and services are used in more than 170 countries and regions, serving over one-third of the world's population.
Huawei currently has over 9 900 staff based in Europe, of whom 1200 are working in R&D. We run 18 R&D sites located in eight European countries (Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Sweden and the UK) and operate numerous joint innovation centres in partnership with telecom and ICT partners.
Further information is available at www.huawei.eu