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Milestone deal for competitive and affordable railways


20 Apr 2016



In the last round of negotiations on the 4th railway package, a deal has been struck for a more competitive and passenger-friendly European railway sector. Increased market access, fairer competition and more efficient governance of national railways will invigorate the economic growth prospects for a crucial sector that accounts for more than 800,000 jobs in Europe.

The agreement is a success for passengers and rail companies in Europe and a big step towards a genuine Single European Railway Area. The EPP Group Spokesman on Transport and Rapporteur of the Public Services Obligations Report, Wim van de Camp MEP, welcomed the deal: "This agreement will result in more competition and more affordable rail services to boost economic growth, increase sustainability of the sector and ensure rail remains an attractive means of transport in the future."

The EPP Group Shadow Rapporteur on the governance of the railway infrastructure, Andor Deli MEP, is convinced the deal will improve the quality of rail services for passengers across Europe: "We have achieved a balanced text that strengthens the governance of railway infrastructure, prevents conflicts of interest and increases the transparency between infrastructure managers and rail operators. Passengers will stand to gain in safety and better quality of service for a better price."

Markus Ferber MEP, EPP Group Shadow Rapporteur on the normalisation of accounts under the 4th Railway Package, concluded: "Technical, legal and political barriers will finally be eliminated and the new requirements will pave the way for a real single railway area in Europe. More competition will work!"


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