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MEPs call for a European license for online music sales


25 Sep 2008


Trade & Society

The European online music market needs a common legislative framework to take account of the specificity of digital services and safeguard European cultural diversity and small stakeholders. In a resolution approved on Thursday with 509 votes in favour, 24 against and 29 abstentions, Parliament also criticises the Commission for ignoring MEPs' suggestions in this field.

By approving the resolution by Giuseppe Gargani (EPP-ED, IT), MEPs call on the Commission to put forward a legislative initiative to regulate the cross border online music market.
MEPs stress that the lack of EU rules creates a situation of legal uncertainty for all stakeholders: the right-holders (authors and composers) and for broadcasters and private users. According to the approved text, a solution may be a pan European license for online music sales.
According to MEPs, a legislative act regulating the sector would guarantee the principle of equal treatment among all stakeholders, thus protecting European cultural diversity and local repertoires.
The European Parliament also criticises the Commission's refusal to legislate in this field, as asked by the Chamber already in resolutions in 2005 (4) and 2007 (5), and calls on the Executive to be fully involved in any future initiative in this field.


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