Medicines for Europe calls for greater cooperation on value added medicines to improve patient-centric innovation
Wed, 11/22/2017
Health & Consumers
- The 1st Value Added Medicines conference gathered today a wide range of experts in the healthcare community to raise awareness and develop solutions for patient-centric innovation and better patient access to value added medicines.
- Value added medicines represent a major opportunity to improve patient adherence and quality of life, also to address a number of medicine-related healthcare inefficiencies.
- Delegates call for more cooperation among the healthcare community, patients and healthcare providers to support best practice sharing and foster greater patient access to value added medicines
The 1st Value Added Medicines conference organised by the Value Added Medicines Group, a sector group of Medicines for Europe, which took place today, 22nd November, gathered a wide range of experts in the healthcare community to raise awareness and foster debate on a common approach to present solutions for patient-centric innovation and better patient access to these medicines.
Health delivery models in Europe are being challenged by an ageing, rising patient population and current healthcare economic constraints, threatening the sustainability of Europe’s healthcare systems. There is a need for a new value proposition for patients, healthcare professionals and healthcare systems, especially to address clinical (adherence, quality of life) and economic inefficiencies. According to IQVIA, patient non-adherence is undoubtedly the biggest source of these, representing 57% of all inefficiency costs(1), and limiting the ability for patients to best manage their condition. Value added medicines can address these challenges by improving patient adherence and quality-of-life issues, while addressing medicine-related healthcare inefficiencies and improving healthcare provision and organisation thereby contributing to the sustainability of healthcare systems.
Marc-Alexander Mahl, Medicines for Europe President, highlighted that ‘We have a responsibility to look at European healthcare systems and see how we can contribute value to patients, healthcare professionals and society. Value added medicines deliver patient-centric gains. To continue the development of this sustainable innovation, there is a need for a favourable environment, where the development efforts can be reasonably recognised, and the access to value added medicines is well integrated in healthcare systems.’
Umberto Comberiati, Chair of the Value Added Medicines Group at Medicines for Europe, commented: “The wide range of stakeholders present at today’s conference has confirmed the wide interest surrounding value added medicines. We actively engage all the stakeholders from policymakers to patients, industry and payers to see how together we can address patients’ needs through the relevant outcomes that value added medicines can deliver. These benefits need to be more widely recognised and incentivised to promote the development of value added medicines in Europe. Pricing, HTA and market access pathways should be adapted to fully appreciate the benefits of this patient centric innovation”.
(1) IQVIA European Thought Leadership; IQVIA Institute 2012 “Responsible use of Medicine”
Medicines for Europe Communications:
Andrea Bedorin abedorin@medicinesforeurope.com
Kate O’Regan koregan@medicinesforeurope.com
About Value Added Medicines Group
The Value Added Medicines Group is a sector group of Medicines for Europe which aims at optimizing, rethinking and reinventing medicines based on known molecules and by bringing untapped innovation to improve care delivery. The Value Added Medicines Group adopts a complementary perspective compared to the other Medicines for Europe sector groups: by tackling the targeted portion of patients’ needs that remain unmet to this day, delivering additional improvement to the healthcare community as a whole.
About Medicines for Europe
Medicines for Europe represents the generic, biosimilar and value added medicines industries across Europe. Its vision is to provide sustainable access to high quality medicines, based on 5 important pillars: patients, quality, value, sustainability and partnership. Its members employ 160,000 people at over 350 manufacturing and R&D sites in Europe, and invest up to 17% of their turnover in medical innovation.
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