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MANUWORK - Balancing Human and Automation Levels for the Manufacturing Workplaces of the Future


12 Mar 2020



Athens, Greece, March 2020

MANUWORK is a research project, co-funded by the European Union under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. and coordinated by the Laboratory of Manufacturing Systems and Automation (LMS), located at the University of Patras in Greece.

The MANUWORK project has delivered to the manufacturing domain a set of solutions having mainly aiming at the support of the operators in the factory shopfloor. It provides tools and guidelines for production schedule, load balancing, augmented reality, workplace adaptation, industrial social networking, knowledge capturing always with respect to the operator’s capabilities, preferences and skills. In order to ease the configuration and deployment of these tools, they were encapsulated in an integration platform transforming them into a customizable and configurable solution called MANUWORK Integrated Platform developed by CASP S.A.  The MANUWORK Integrated platform offers a security layer for the tools and the data, a unified user interface offering common access to the tool for the user, user and role management, simple configuration of hosted tools, users and roles by an administrative account and finally a common data storage and a data exchange mechanism. The platform itself has been deployed in collaboration with VOLVO cars, Skövde University, JERNBRO, LMS and We Plus at Assar Industrial Innovation Area in Skövde Sweden and demonstrated, with different tool configurations, in other manufacturing domains like the aerospace sector represented by SAFRAN partner, machine shops sector represented by BAZIGOS S.A. and machine building sector represented by PRIMA. Specifically, for the PRIMA case and in order to enrich PRIMA’s product offering services that aim at addressing customers' needs (such as operator's skill match to specific task needs) CASP has customized a scheduling solution that suggests optimized production plans based on the operator's profile and tasks at hand.

CASP S.A. develops state of the art solutions for various manufacturing domains and is a key partner for exploiting the MANUWORK solutions.

For more information on MANUWORK, please visit our website (, the project website ( or contact:

Mr. George Papanikolopoulos



Michalakopoulou 64, 11528, Athens, Greece

Tel. : +30-210-7472915

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