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Management Matters: EFMD Host Workshop for Key Stakeholders


05 Apr 2013


EU Priorities 2020
Innovation & Enterprise
Public Affairs
Management capacity as the key to Europe’s future? EFMD offers an open invitation to a high level workshop on April 23 at EFMD in Brussels.

Europe has enormous wealth in terms of intellectual, scientific, cultural and human resources. Yet, it is in danger of becoming a secondary region, as we seem to be incapable of bringing our strength to bear. To counter this trend, a paradigm change will be required. We need to liberate the human potential that we have in our institutions and organizations, by overcoming a culture adverse to innovation and entrepreneurship, counterproductive regulations, ineffective organizations and inadequate management practices. While there is a lot of talk about innovation and value creation as a prerequisite for jobs and well-being for all (remember the Lisbon Strategy?), the reality looks bleak. How can we get out of this downwards spiral and move towards innovation driven growth and the creation of great jobs for the young generation?

Is Management the problem or the solution? Can the case be made that sound and innovative management practices would greatly contribute to bring Europe back to innovation and growth? What is the responsibility of the various stakeholders to achieve a qualitative and quantitative step change ?

When talking about Management, it is not just operational management but entrepreneurial management, leadership and innovation management. Management needs to be learned, renewed and adapted via practice and research. All organizations and institutions face unprecedented levels of complexity and uncertainty and are looking for ways to master those – be it governments, public sector institutions, non-profits, NGOs, Education, Healthcare and SMEs. Corporations have the most experience with effective management practices, tools and techniques, but there are obvious public concerns with regard to business practices in big business and the underlying value system.  

Key speakers such as Alexander von Gabain (Chair of the EIT Governing Board), Arnaldo Abruzzini (Secretary General of EUROCHAMBRES), Constantijn van Oranje-Nassau (Deputy Chief of Cabinet for Commission Vice President Kroes), Martin G. Curley (Intel VP and Director, Intellabs Europe), Philippe Courtier (President, EM Lyon Business School) and Eric Corunel (Director General & CEO, EFMD), will provide input to stimulate the discussion in a highly interactive workshop.

The workshop is free of charge. Please find below the link to the registration and the final program

There is limited capacity remaining and registrations will be handled on a first come first served basis. In case of questions, please contact

About EFMD (
EFMD is a leading international network of business schools and companies (810 members / 82 countries) at the forefront or raising the standards of management education and development globally. EFMD runs the EQUIS and EPAS accreditation systems as well as the EFMD Deans Across Frontiers programme (EDAF) and is one of the key reference points for management education worldwide.


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