Main principles for a successful Copenhagen Climate Change Conference
The present position paper, which complements our initial paper focusing on the area of intellectual property rights aspects in the climate change debate, develops the main principles which we feel will contribute to a successful climate change policy which is at the same time supportive of Europe’s economy.
Orgalime supports
ORGALIME supports the overall climate change objective of limiting temperature rise to below 2 degrees. We believe that climate change is a global issue which cannot be solved without international resolve and commitment. A new international agreement, fully involving all countries/regions, to continue beyond Kyoto’s 2012 should be given the highest priority.
Targets and milestones are needed for the principal mechanisms to be able to bring about CO2 reduction: Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), nuclear energy, forest management, etc., to demonstrate continuity of policy: this is essential in order to encourage new investments.
Developing countries have specificities which should be recognised by the international community; however developing countries should also put in place low-carbon growth plans, assisted and supported by the developed countries.
Lost potential
Orgalime believes that in the field of reduced emissions through energy efficiency, there is still insufficient take-up of already available technologies capable of delivering significant energy efficiency gains. This is lost potential and further innovations, albeit desirable, do not compensate for that loss. Our industry already has at its disposal the knowledge and technology which can make a big difference, and is ready and willing to disseminate this knowledge, and to further invest in the development of sustainable technology. The slow take up of existing innovations is, however, a disincentive to further investment.
Copenhagen successful for the engineering industry
To be successful, a Copenhagen agreement must deliver the right mechanisms, instruments and incentives to private enterprises to support the objectives in an optimal and practicable way. Available flexible instruments which can be implemented at bilateral and multilateral levels should be used wherever possible, benefiting both the global economy and the environment. Regulation and regional regulatory differences can be counter-productive for both.
Private enterprises have to be stimulated fully to invest, also in developing countries, in modern energy and climate technology on a commercial basis. There must be the possibility to implement measures in international co-operation in an effective way.
The European Engineering Industries Association
ORGALIME aisbl | Diamant Building | Boulevard A Reyers 80 | B1030 | Brussels | Belgium
Tel: +32 2 706 82 35 | Fax: +32 2 706 82 50 | e-mail: secretariat@orgalime.org
Ass. Intern. A.R. 12.7.74 | VAT BE 414341438
Creating better PPP projects (Private-Public-Partnership) to give extra support to enterprises related to market their innovations (developing cooperation) also goes in the right direction. For the long term it is important to take decisions now that will have an impact beyond 2020 because of the industry’s need to plan ahead.
Orgalime proposals for an effective climate policy:
• Promote technology (international)
Promote the innovative technology already developed. Promote technology that can be exported globally; the bigger the market, the faster the pace of innovation and marketing of innovative products. Goals or measures that are not internationally harmonised should be avoided.
• Research, development and dissemination of new technology (strategic)
To achieve a sustainable climate and at the same time meet the energy needs of tomorrow at reasonable costs, will require a transformation of the energy systems.
Many of the solutions need a systematic and holistic approach, which at the same time takes into account a systemic perspective.
The main role of the engineering industry is to continue - more intensively - to develop the 'clean effective technology’ of the future. To succeed in this, internationally harmonised rules and standards are required. R&D and dissemination/take-up of new technology must be given a high priority. A choice of support mechanisms for research, development, demonstration or incentives for market dissemination, adaptable to specific needs, is also called for.
Orgalime industry already commits significant resource to 'clean technology' R&D, but such investment of private companies could be boosted in several ways through:
- public spending on industry-relevant R&D
- public and private spending on available clean technology products, thereby setting a good example
- national initiatives to promote the export of existing 'clean technology' solutions / concepts
Within certain technology areas, incentives for market dissemination, such as information on energy use, extra requirements included in public procurement conditions and support for the demonstration of new technology would certainly help to develop worldwide support of buyers and investors in clean technology innovations.
In particular, the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) rather than the initial capital outlay should be the criterion to apply, and more should be done to secure public understanding and the global behavioural change needed