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Lothar Bisky elected president of GUE/NGL Group


Mon, 06/29/2009


EU Priorities 2020

The European United Left/Nordic Green Left (*) group in the European Parliament today unanimously elected German MEP Lothar Bisky (DIE LINKE.) as president of the group.

After thanking all group members for their confidence and paying tribute to the work of Francis Wurtz, who has led the group for the last two terms of office, Lothar Bisky declared: "The European United Left/Nordic Green Left group in the European Parliament will continue to fight for a social Europe and for the disarmament of the European Union, not its militarisation."

The GUE/NGL also elected its vice-presidents: Eva-Britt Svensson (Sweden), Ilda Figueiredo (Portugal), Kartika Liotard (Netherlands), Takis HatziGeorgiou (Cyprus) and Miloslav Ransdorf (Czech Republic).

After the vote, Francis Wurtz said he was "leaving the European Parliament and bringing with him memories of an exceptional political and human experience". He thanked the members, secretaries and colleagues, staff and interpreters for their cooperation.

Addressing the GUE/NGL group, Francis Wurtz continued: "Our group has succeeded, beyond the great diversity of its constituent members, to build its left-wing identity - a social, ecological and feminist group advocating solidarity, democracy and peace... It is recognised both within the European institutions and outside among social movements and progressive forces, in Europe and in many regions throughout the world. This is where our legitimate, collective pride lies. Good luck to you all. Keep up the good work. The left in Europe needs you."

In conclusion, Lothar Bisky spoke about the possible re-election of José Manuel Barroso as European Commission President, saying the group opposed this: "Those Europeans responsible for the current economic and financial crisis must assume full responsibility for it.

* The GUE/NGL group is currently made up of 35 MEPs from 13 member states

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