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LightingEurope defines growth drivers for the European lighting market and will increase the value of light to society


Tue, 03/15/2016


Innovation & Enterprise
Climate & Environment

LightingEurope launched today the Strategic Roadmap 2025 at Light & Building in Frankfurt.  Jan Denneman, president of LightingEurope, and André ten Bloemendal, chairman of the taskforce strategic roadmap, presented the growth drivers for the European lighting market: better quality of lighting through LEDification, intelligent lighting systems and human centric lighting based on a circular economy.
“LightingEurope will create an understanding of the added value of these growth engines for society, policy makers and all relevant stakeholders in the lighting and adjacent industries “, said Denneman. Furthermore, André ten Bloemendal added, “LightingEurope will determine the conditions under which these growth drivers will enhance the growth of the European industry. Examples are stimulation packages and the initiation of voluntary standards”.

LightingEurope has the ambition to create a regulatory framework that improves the quality of lighting and thereby the quality of life. This framework will foster freedom of innovation and deliver a broad range of opportunities for the lighting industry.

The presentation today illustrated in detail the new vision of LightingEurope for the next decade. With energy efficiency seen as a given fact, LightingEurope defines enabling drivers to achieve a growth in the value of light to society, as shown in the illustration below. 

Diederik de Stoppelaar, Secretary General of LightingEurope, stated: “We have already secured plenary presentations at key conferences where we will explain challenges and action points in detail.”

About Lighting Europe

LightingEurope is an industry association of 33 European lighting manufacturers, national associations, and companies producing materials. LightingEurope members represent over 1,000 European companies, a majority of which are SMEs; a total workforce of over 100,000 people in Europe; and an annual turnover estimated to exceed 20 billion Euros. LightingEurope is dedicated to promoting efficient lighting practices for the benefit of the global environment, human comfort, and the health and safety of consumers. More information about LightingEurope is available on our website

For further information please contact:

Axel Baschnagel, Communication Consultant, LightingEurope, +491605818397,


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