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Launch of the Global Citizen Campaign #Together4Freedom, in Brussels


Fri, 05/14/2021


Global Europe

On the 19th and 20th of May in an alliance without precedents, citizens of various countries of the world will unite to raise their voices in favor of Freedom for the peoples subjected by dictatorships and will call on the European Union to position itself and take action. The press conference will take place on May 19 at the Brussels Press Club, following a presentation by the writer and Cuban activist Zoé Valdés, who visits the capital of Europe to celebrate Cuban Independence Day and present her new book "Un amour Grec".

The Campaign has been joined by representatives of associations for the defense of Human Rights in Venezuelan, Cuba, Irania, Nicaragua, Syria, Tibet, Ukraine, Belarus and the Uyghurs (muslim ethnicity oppressed by the Chinese regime).

"We are united to achieve common goals and fundamental rights such as Liberty, Democracy, Secularism and basic Human Rights. The toll left by the theocratic regime of Iran in the last four decades, for example, is catastrophic, and we know the collaboration between the Iranian regime and the Cuban and Venezuelan dictatorships, an axis of enormous nuclear danger for security in the world , explains Medhi Nobari, leader of Iran Ref, a sociocultural and political association of a consultative and focused nature on human rights and women's rights.

Together For Freedom puts the spotlight on the links between regimes that appropriate nations and their resources, and they enslave their citizens by subjecting them to state terrorism. “Russia, Iran and China have interests in Venezuela, and they take advantage of this complicity with the narco-dictatorship to exploit at ease our resources, including uranium, coltan and gold, resources that they exchange for weapons or intelligence activities against activists and opponents ”, adds Patricia Betancourt, President of VenEuropa, a lobbying organization before the European Parliament who works for the recovery of true Democracy in Venezuela.

Leo Juvier-Hendrickx, director of BelgoCuba: Free Cubans of Belgium explains that “while the dictators make it seem like our conflicts as isolated situations, they work together, very close. That is why we, the citizens, must work together, transcending cultural and religious differences to fight for what is most important for the human being: full Freedom. Cubans have suffered a tyranny for more than six decades before which the world has turned a blind eye. We want Freedom, we deserve it like any other people and that is why we are here ”, he concludes Juvier-Hendrickx.

Program and information

Wednesday 05/19/2021

Location: Press Club Brussels Europe, Rue Froissart, 95 - 1000 Brussels

  • Presentation of the book “Un amour grec” by Zoé Valdés 2pm-3pm
  • Press conference “Together For Freedom” Campaign 3:30 pm-4:30pm

A snack will be served in the intermission.

Request your accreditation or further information by writing an email to: or

Thursday 05/20/2021 - 5:30 PM

  • Demonstration on the Place de Luxembourg in front of the European Parliament



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