Jean-Bernard Lévy elected President of Eurelectric
Today, Jean-Bernard Lévy, Chairman and CEO of the Paris-based electricity utility EDF Group, was elected President of Eurelectric, the association representing the European power sector which brings together more than 3,500 companies in power generation, distribution and supply. His two-year mandate will pursue the transformations needed to shift away from fossil fuels, making the Green Deal a reality through electrification.
Upon his election, Jean-Bernard Lévy said: “I am honoured to take on this responsibility, as I am convinced that electricity will be the path to carbon neutrality, and the key enabler of at least 55% of CO2 emissions cuts across the economy by 2030. I have a clear conviction that the power sector, with its range of low carbon technologies, digital solutions and its ability to innovate, can help all EU citizens benefit from an affordable, climate friendly and comfortable lifestyle.”
During his Presidency, Jean-Bernard Lévy will be supported by two Vice-Presidents: Corina Popescu, CEO of Electrica, the Romanian electricity supplier and distribution operator, and Leonhard Birnbaum, CEO of the German energy supplier E.ON.
Together, they will strive to take decisive steps to put renewable and low-carbon electricity at the core of the European Green Deal, instilling a sustainable and cost-effective energy transition across EU Member States. Their mandate will be constructed around the four pillars of a shared vision, as presented in their Presidency Manifesto:
- Promoting the Green Deal as a social, industrial and strategic opportunity for all Europeans;
- Driving an affordable, low-carbon, electric lifestyle by addressing the discriminatory energy taxation hampering electricity, and supporting a strengthened carbon pricing;
- Ensuring that a full range of low carbon technologies contribute to cost-effective decarbonisation, furthering the deployment of renewables, smart grids and the uptake of electrolytic hydrogen for industrial applications;
- Showing the resilience and flexibility of electricity as a key asset for the Green Deal, while fostering smart integration and highlighting the benefits of digitalisation.
Jean-Bernard Lévy takes over from Pat O’Doherty, CEO of ESB. During his Presidency, Pat O’Doherty consolidated the sector’s leadership in addressing climate change and its role in providing reliable and steadfast energy supplies to consumers at a time of great uncertainty and upheaval. During his tenure, significant advances were made in establishing the grid investments necessary to support both an increasingly renewable-based electricity system and the electrification of society.
Pat O’Doherty, CEO of ESB and outgoing President of Eurelectric said: “The European power sector has proven its resilience and reliability in the face of frequent and extreme weather events, as well as other unforeseen and complex stress tests such as the COVID 19 pandemic. Eurelectric plays a very important role in enabling collaboration and cooperation across Europe, ensuring that the industry can collectively address challenges and accelerate the pace of change. I am happy to pass on the torch to Jean-Bernard and the new presidency team knowing that they will continue to turn commitments into reality, working towards a more sustainable, convenient, comfortable and efficient future.”
Jean-Bernard Lévy will set out his Presidency priorities in a keynote speech at the occasion of the Eurelectric Power Summit (25-28 May 2021). The Power Summit will gather industry leaders, ministers and high-level EU policy makers through a series of web-conferences and digital networking sessions aimed at identifying ways of accelerating the uptake of clean electricity in Europe.