It’s your digital life. Being safer online-citizens in focus of 1st European Cyber Security Month
The EU’s cyber security agency ENISA, together with the European Commission’s DG CONNECT, is launching the first fully fledged European Cyber Security Month campaign. During the month of October, more than 40 public and private stakeholders will promote cyber security among citizens and children, and advocate for a change in the perception of cyber-threats.
European Commission Vice President and Commissioner Neelie Kroes’ video message
Are you online, being an active digital citizen? Then stay safe! Here is a snapshot of the cyber security activities from all 25 participating countries:
Austria: security awareness, data protection in enterprises and public campaigns: “Safe Usage of the Internet”
Belgium: online campaign, Information Security Solutions Conference
Bulgaria: InfoSec and data storage
The Czech Republic: online and outdoor campaigns, workshop for NGOs operating helplines
Germany: Internet Day, Security Fair and Congress, online campaigns: secure surfing, mobile-secure, and shopping-secure; use of social networks, activities for SMEs, journalists and citizens.citizen journalists
Estonia: ICT for Business, lectures on cyber security.
Greece: security trends and CIIP workshop for students and young professionals
Spain: impact of cyber security, security campaigns, university lectures
Finland: digitour, web and social media, network behaviour education for rural stakeholders
France online campaigns «Rester alerte, rester serein: la sécurité informatique se construit avec vous», meetings with students,
Ireland: launch of CyberPsychology Research Centre
Iceland: insights in InfoSec industry ‘Hacker Halted.’
Italy: Regulatory Framework on Cyber Security workshop, online fraud, social networks; online child protection
Latvia: Social networks used as a method for targeted attacks, free computer check-ups: removal of computer viruses and malware
Lithuania: network information security
Luxembourg: Ecommerce, Ebanking and Cyberbullying quizzes
Moldova: Cyber Security in Government Week
The Netherlands: Cyber Security Awareness & Integrity Help and Hotline, Alert online, college tour
Norway: online and outdoor campaigns, security tips
Poland: ICT in education, online quizzes
Portugal: Information Security training, round table discussions, workshops
Romania: Series of technical workshops, online campaign, Cyber Security conference
Sweden: advice on the protection of personal information, identity, PC/handheld devices, secure use of Wi-Fi, how to create strong passwords
Slovenia: online campaign-Safe On the Internet
The United Kingdom: poster competition, awareness week on behaviour, ethical hacking, viruses and malware, using your home computer, social media, emails
The Executive Director of ENISA, Udo Helmbrecht commented;
“Cyber security is about the possibility to live your digital life. We encourage you to get involved in the campaign: online security requires your active participation!”
For interviews: Ulf Bergström, Spokesman, press[at]enisa.europa.eu, mobile: +30 6948 460 143, or Demosthenes Ikonomou, Head of Unit, stakeholderrelations[at]enisa.europa.eu
Background and further information: www.cybersecuritymonth.eu Twitter @enisa_eu and @CyberSecMonth #OctoberNIS #CyberSecMonth EU Cyber Security Strategy, p 8