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IRU/EUCONFERENCE - Fit for 55: the Road Ahead


Tue, 05/10/2022



The European Commission’s Fit for 55 proposals aim to reduce CO₂ emissions by 55% by 2030, accelerating the EU’s plan to fully decarbonise by 2050.

Following last year’s IRU-EU Conference on Fit for 55 and its implications for road transport, the next conference will focus on EU’s current plans for alternative fuel infrastructure and supporting road transport operators to scale up green technologies.

Amidst general concerns on increasing costs for mobility and logistics operators and on the lack of timely alternatives, does the current stage of the Fit for 55 debate show opportunities for the sector?

Join us and leading figures from EU institutions, governments, shippers and the wider road transport industry to debate two key topics:

  • Fit for 55 – Is the EU ready to roll out alternative fuel infrastructure?
  • Fit for 55 – Is the EU ready to incentivise the decarbonisation of road transport?

Confirmed speakers

Join H.E. Ambassador Georges Friden, Head of the Permanent Representation of Luxembourg to the European Union and other leading figures:

Daniel Mes
Member of Cabinet, Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans, European Commission

Agnė Vaiciukevičiūtė
Deputy Minister for Transport and Communications of Lithuania

Ismail Ertug
Member of the European Parliament

Jaime Moreno
Director General for Land Transport, Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Spain

Gerrit Marx
Chief Executive Officer, Iveco Group

Patrick Carré
Vice President, Commercial Road Transport, Sectors & Decarbonisation, Shell

Andrey Novakov
Member of the European Parliament

Sjel Wijngaards
Deputy Managing Director, Jan de Rijk Logistics, The Netherlands

Julia Poliscanova
Senior Director, Vehicles and E-Mobility, Transport & Environment (T&E)

The conference will take place at the Solvay Library, Leopoldpark, Rue Belliard 137, 1040 Brussels. It will be followed by a summer networking cocktail for participants.


See you at the #IRUEUConference


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