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IRU appoints Igor Rounov as Under Secretary General


26 Feb 2010



The IRU Presidential Executive has appointed Igor Rounov as IRU Under Secretary General responsible for the IRU Permanent Delegation to the Euro-Asian Region to act more effectively in an ever changing world.

Geneva – The IRU Presidential Executive is pleased to announce that it has, pursuant to the recommendation of IRU President Janusz Lacny, unanimously decided to appoint Mr. Igor Rounov to the post of IRU Under Secretary General, after 8 years of highly successful management of the IRU Permanent Delegation to the CIS region. 

The Presidential Executive has also decided to adapt the current structure of the IRU by creating regional committees which will report to the IRU Euro-Asia Liaison Committee, formerly IRU’s CIS Liaison Committee. 

IRU Secretary General, Martin Marmy, said, “These important and timely decisions of the IRU Presidential Executive, based on a thorough analysis of the changing geo-political situation will allow the IRU to better meet the growing challenges and seize the numerous opportunities arising from today’s ever changing world.  Moreover, they embody the IRU’s proactive vision and concerted effort to effectively keep pace with the growing dynamism of several major IRU regional partner organisations, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEc), the Eastern Partnership and many others.  These decisions will not only benefit the road transport organisations within these regions but will best serve the interests of all 180 IRU Members in 74 countries around the world. With this new structure, the IRU will be in a position to reinforce its actions locally, regionally and globally.”

In his function as Under Secretary General, Mr Rounov will be responsible for the management of the new Regional Committees and newly named IRU Permanent Delegation to the Euro-Asian Region based in Moscow.


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