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Iratxe García to EUCO: S&Ds reject plans for return hubs


17 Oct 2024



Ahead of the European Council starting today in Brussels, the leader of the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Iratxe García, met with the leaders of the Party of European Socialists (PES) to discuss the group position on the European Council (EUCO) agenda and the priorities of the progressive family towards the hearings of the commissioners-designate. García sent a strong message on the need to take a holistic, EU-aligned approach to the migration challenges and reiterated the opposition of the S&D family to the creation of return hubs outside EU territory to transfer asylum seekers.

S&D Group leader, Iratxe García, said:

“Our position towards the migration strategy hasn’t changed. The progressives have always opposed any externalisation of asylum or return policy, as this goes against the international law on which EU law is based, and under which the right to asylum is protected together with the principle of non-refoulement. Any discussion on returns must be based on a legislative proposal. We cannot discuss return hubs or innovative solutions without a written basis anchored in international law respecting human rights and dignity.

“I remind member states that our priority now should be the implementation of the approved legislation – the New Pact on Asylum and Migration – adopted last May, as well as to what European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen committed to during the presentation of the EC political guidelines.”

Regarding the conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, García said:

“We call on EU leaders to go further and not limit the EU position to the well-known general reference to the two-state solution. The EUCO should come up with a comprehensive vision for EU action on facilitating a genuine peace process aimed at achieving tangible results between Israelis and Palestinians with the support of the international community.

“Mere words of condemnation are no longer enough. It is time to use all our power so that international law prevails. We must review the association agreement with Israel, adopt sanctions on government officials in Israel who deny the existence of the Palestinian people, and lead the imposition of an arms embargo so that the European Union does not contribute to Netanyahu’s atrocities.

“On Ukraine, the EU should ensure support to Ukraine by substantially enhancing military support, allowing Ukraine to use its capabilities to hit military targets on Russian territory, committing to long-term financial support and making use of immobilised Russian state assets to arm and reconstruct Ukraine. The EU should support the reforms that will make Ukraine’s democracy resilient and prepared for a European future. Russia should pay for its crime of aggression and its war crimes. Because attacking Russian president Vladimir Putin from where he attacks is the essence of self-defence. The only choice for the Ukrainian people is to fight for their survival.”

On competitiveness, the S&D leader added:

“The debate on competitiveness has lagged in recent decades as efforts to deregulate, lower climate and social standards in addition to reduced corporate taxation, have contributed to growing imbalances.

“We cannot afford further delays, and this is why the Socialists have placed competitiveness at the top of our priorities.  Competitiveness should rely on a strong social model that guarantees decent jobs and a public housing supply, which consolidates a Union that is more autonomous and dares to reindustrialise to reduce its vulnerabilities. We need a Union that taxes large fortunes, provides new common financing instruments to make the energy transition and digital transformation a reality, and guarantees our defence. And, above all, a Union that is a beacon of reason, science, culture, education, human rights and coexistence among its citizens.”


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