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Invitation: Internet voting and the 2019 European elections


Wed, 06/29/2016



Today at 15.00 ECR MEP Monica Macovei is organising in the European Parliament, together with ETTW (Europeans Throughout The World), a public hearing on Internet voting and the possibility for expats to use this system as a pilot for the European elections in 2019.

The purpose of the hearing is to raise awareness about the importance of active citizenship, given that the participation to vote in European elections constantly decreased in the past years; to find out more about digital voting systems and how safe and/or easy to use they are.

The event will include presentations from main providers on what I-voting is, as well as a Q&A session where experts will respond to questions and address various concerns related to the implementation of this system and its security.

Wednesday 15:00 - 18:30, room P1A002,  

Contact: Christina Rasmussen +32 475 780819.

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