Invitation: 14th European Health Forum Gastein Innovation and Wellbeing – European Health in 2020 and Beyond Bad Hofgastein, Salzburg 5th to 8th October 2011
We are pleased to invite you to the 14th European Health Forum Gastein.
The European Health Forum Gastein is the leading health policy conference in Europe and attracts around 600 participants from some 60 countries every year. The EHFG, since its founding in 1998, has established itself as an important international meeting place for the exchange and integration of perspectives and experiences. In 2011, Bad Hofgastein will again be the venue for in-depth discussion between representatives of politics, management, science and research, industry and civil society – in dynamic interaction, involving key players of the EU member states and the WHO European Region.
This year’s Forum will be addressed by high-ranking speakers such as Alois Stöger, Austrian Minister of Health; John Dalli, EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy; Màire Geoghegan-Quinn, EU Commissioner for Research and Innovation; Ewa Kopacz, Minister for Health, Poland (EU Presidency in the second half of 2011); Bertel Haarder, Minister for the Interior and Health, Denmark (the country set to have the EU Presidency in the first half of 2012); and WHO Regional Director Zsuzsanna Jakab.
The EHFG provides ideal opportunities to meet politicians, policymakers and experts and interview them on a broad range of current topics in European health policy.
Among the highlights of the 14th EHFG:
- Health by innovation and design – the road to well-being
- Health 2020 – European healthcare approaches and strategies for the future
- Innovation partnership on active and healthy ageing
- Trends in health technology assessment
- The burden of non-communicable diseases
- The future of medicine – personalized medicine
We are happy to assist you with your research and arrange interviews with partners of your choice. During the EHFG, information on the Forums and Workshops will be made available in a number of press conferences and through a broad range of press releases.
We will keep you up-to-date on additional topics and program details of the EHFG in the coming weeks.
Regular updates of the programme are available online:
You can also find the EHFG on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gasteinforum
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need any further information or wish to participate in the EHFG 2011, so that we can arrange for your accreditation.
Best regards,
Birgit Kofler
EHFG Press Office
Dr. Birgit Kofler
B&K - Bettschart&Kofler Medien- und Kommunikationsberatung GmbH
Phone: +43-1-3194378-13
mobile: +43-676-6368930
e-mail: kofler@bkkommunikation.com