Industry hails groundbreaking Pan-European agreement on consumer protection for online gambling
Brussels, 24 February 2011 – The EGBA and RGA today hailed the publication by CEN of the groundbreaking Workshop Agreement “Responsible Remote Gambling Measures” (see CEN leaflet) , the first Pan-European agreement aimed at providing a high level of consumer protection for online players in the European Union.
CEN is the European Committee for Standardisation, one of three European Standardisation Organisations officially recognized by the EU (www.cen.eu). The agreement defines 9 policy objectives for the protection of online players and 134 concrete measures to ensure that those objectives are actually met. The 9 policy objectives are:
1. The protection of vulnerable customers
2. The prevention of underage gambling
3. Combating fraud
4. Protection of privacy
5. Fair gaming
6. Accurate customer payments
7. Responsible marketing
8. Customer satisfaction
9. Safe operating environment
The agreement is unique not only because of its comprehensive scope, but also because it is the result of 7 months of discussion between a wide ranging group of stakeholders, including experts on problem gambling, players, industry representatives and addiction and criminology academics. This self-regulatory agreement does not replace but rather complement national and EU regulation covering online gambling.
Sigrid Ligné, Secretary General of the EGBA, said: “I am confident that the CEN agreement will help and inform the many Member States currently regulating the market to achieve a high level of consumer protection. It will also provide invaluable input for the Commission’s upcoming Green Paper consultation on online gambling and the follow up measures that are needed to ensure consumers can play in a EU regulated environment."
Clive Hawkswood, Chief Executive of RGA, added: “This agreement is not limited by national boundaries but will ensure protection for players across Europe. We are grateful to CEN for providing this opportunity and allowing a uniquely diverse group of stakeholders to reach agreement. It will help set the standard for consumer protection not only in the EU, but across the world.“
The CWA 16259: 2011 - ‘Responsible Remote Gambling Measures’ can be obtained from the 31 CEN National Members (CEN - European Committee for Standardization Members).
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For further information or comment please contact:
Sigrid Ligné:
+32 2 554 08 90
Jason Foley-Train :
+44 (0)207 831 2195
About EGBA
The EGBA is an association of leading European gaming and betting operators Bet-at-home.com, BetClic, bwin, Digibet, Expekt, Interwetten, PartyGaming et Unibet. EGBA is a Brussels-based non-profit association. It promotes the right of private gaming and betting operators that are regulated and licensed in one Member State to a fair market access throughout the European Union. Online gaming and betting is a fast growing market, but will remain for the next decades a limited part of the overall European gaming market in which the traditional land based offer is expected to grow from € 79.6 Billion GGR in 2008 to € 83,7 Billion GGR in 2012, thus keeping the lion’s share with 87% of the market. Source: H2 Gambling Capital, April 2010.
About RGA
The Remote Gambling Association is the largest online gambling trade association in the world representing over 30 the world’s largest licensed and stock market-listed remote gambling operators and software providers (a full list of those members can be obtained from www.rga.eu.com). The organization provides the remote gambling industry with a single voice on all issues of importance to regulators, legislators, and key decision makers around the world. For further comments, please contact Jason Foley-Train jfoleytrain@rga.eu.com 6th Floor, High Holborn House, 52-54 High Holborn, London WC1V 6RL Telephone:+44 (0)207 831 2195.