Imposition of definitive anti-dumping duties on EU imports of ceramic tiles from China


Thu, 09/15/2011


Climate & Environment
Social Europe & Jobs

The European Union published today a Council Regulation imposing definitive antidumping duties against imports of ceramic tiles originating in China. The measures are due to enter into force on 16 September for a period of 5 years. These duties range from 26.3% to 36.5% for more than 100 Chinese companies which cooperated with the investigation and which represent the majority of Chinese exports to the EU. A residual duty of 69.7% applies to all other exporting Chinese companies. The definitive duties apply to glazed and unglazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles; glazed and unglazed ceramic mosaic cubes and similar articles, whether or not on a backing.

This anti-dumping investigation was initiated in June 2010 at the request of CET, the
European Ceramic Tile Manufacturers’ Federation. The EU ceramic tiles industry represents a turnover of € 9 Billion and employs directly 75,000 employees in the EU (cumulative direct and indirect employment is estimated at 230,000). The ceramic tiles industry in the EU is composed of more than 500 companies, 80% of which are SME’s playing an essential role for employment at local level. It is a competitive industry with strong export performance and is the world leader in product development, innovation and design...

However, on the EU market, European manufacturers have been suffering from unfair
practices and dumped imports from China. The results of the investigation confirm that
significant dumping has indeed taken place, and that unfairly priced Chinese imports have caused serious injury to European producers.

The duties adopted by the Council are not there to keep Chinese products out of the
European market or afford undue protection to the European producers of ceramic tiles. “The introduction of duties serves to re-establish a fair level of competition so that EU ceramic tile producers can continue to compete in Europe, at least as much as they
successfully do on exports markets” said CET’s President Mr. Alfonso Panzani. “We welcome these measures which level the playing field against Chinese unfairly priced imports” he added.

"The result of the procedure shows the added value for the industry to cooperate at
European level under a complex and thorough investigation requiring the involvement of
many actors, both on the side of the EU institutions, EU member states and the industry”, expressed the President of Cerame-Unie, Mr. Alain Delcourt.
The EU industry will remain extremely vigilant throughout the implementation of the
Regulation to ensure that the effectiveness of these measures is not undermined by well known illegal practices designed to circumvent antidumping duties.

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