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ICT choice abounds - association urges EC to dismiss BECTA and other related complaints


Thu, 05/15/2008



Brussels, 14 May, 2008
CompTIA remains concerned about the British Educational Communications Technology Agency's (Becta) recent complaint against Microsoft, lodged earlier this week at the European Commission.

Bearing striking similarities to complaints made by the software company’s direct competitors, it misses one essential point - that is, the working ICT marketplace fosters immense choice and solutions, which boost the overall interoperability and widespread use of competing ICT products and services.

In doing so, it provides the needed ICT options demanded by the Agency and government officials, as well as those that they serve. We urge the EC to recognize these benefits, and ask that it expeditiously dismiss all related complaints.
Contrary to these entreaties, the plain fact is that governments and consumers have virtually limitless ICT choices.

However, regulation of these choices, as urged by Becta and certain competitors, will result in fewer competitive alternatives, achieving the opposite effect.

For more information please contact Mike Wendy +1 202-841-7209, or Timme Dossing +32 2 234 58 57,

About The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA): CompTIA is a global trade association representing the business interests of the information technology industry. For more than 26 years CompTIA has provided research, networking and partnering opportunities to its 22,000 members in 102 countries. The association is involved in developing standards and best practices, and influencing the political, economic and educational arenas that impact IT worldwide, see:


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