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On Human Rights Day, the European Parliament focuses on the fight against impunity


08 Dec 2020


Justice & Home Affairs

The conference organised by the Subcommittee on Human Rights of the European Parliament, chaired by MEP Maria Arena, will be held on 11 December from 9h00 to 10h00 to discuss impunity and the annual report of Fight Impunity, the Association against Impunity and for transitional justice.

The report, dedicated to the "State of Impunity in the world", with a preface by Antonio Panzeri, Chair of Fight Impunity, sheds light on the crimes and violations committed in recent years, still demanding, and awaiting justice. A report that sees the contribution of different actors of the political-institutional, information, ecological, economic, civil, social and cultural world, from Nobel prize Denis Mukwege, to Emma Bonino, Jose Miguel Arrugaeta, Kamel Jendoubi and Carla Del Ponte.

Moreover, the year 2020, marked by the Covid 19 pandemic, characterized by a growing violation of rights and freedoms on a global scale, and by difficult social and economic conditions, as highlighted by the report, make us understand how vulnerable and fragile the democratic system is.

The initiative, confidently embraces the proposal discussed at the European Council, supported by the High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Joseph Borrell, to establish a European sanctions regime for those who violate human rights, in line with the Action Plan 2020-2024 already adopted on human rights and democracy.

It is time for the dignity of every individual to become a priority again, where any action that violates human rights and violates a universal right to truth and justice at a global level becomes an unacceptable custom.

the meeting will be webstreamed and can be followed here: